台新貴賓 您好
- 若您持有本行信用卡或有授信產品等,本行於接獲財團法人金融聯合徵信中心傳送您的新式證號後,將以書面、簡訊、電子郵件、電子及通訊設備推播或傳送、自動化語音、本行官方帳號之即時通訊(例如LINE、Facebook、WeChat)等方式告知您,您可直接致電本行24小時客戶服務專線由客服人員協助更新。
(2)如您有申請本行信用卡電子帳單、信用卡行動帳單、網路銀行/行動銀行(查詢會員)等服務,敬請您至本行網路銀行重新申請。(3)如您的本行存款帳戶/信用卡有辦理授權各種費用扣繳或入帳(如保險費、股票交割款、薪資入帳、證券交割股款入扣帳、信用卡公用事業代扣繳、他行自動扣繳信用卡款、道路救援等),提醒您聯絡該機關(如保險公司、證券公司、稅捐機關、撥薪雇主、道路救援公司等) 確認是否需辦理變更申請,以免影響扣繳、入帳作業或其他相關權益。
- 如有其他金融相關問題,歡迎致電本行24小時客戶服務專線(02)2655-3355(英文服務請按7,將有專人為您服務)
台新銀行 敬啟
Dear Customers,
In order to establish a friendly environment for foreign nationals, the Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency (the NIA) has implemented the policy of the new UI No. for foreign nationals since January 2, 2021, which changes the original UI No. from the original format consisting of two English letters followed by eight numbers to a new format consisting of one English letter followed by nine numbers.(For more information about the new UI No. for foreign nationals, please visit the NIA’s official website, or call any service center of the NIA, 1996 (Hotline of Interior Affairs) or 0800-024-111 (Foreign in Taiwan Hotline)
If you have applied for your UI No. with the NIA, please be mindful of the following contents,
- You can bring the updated residence permit and original seal to contact any branch in the province for the change of information within 30 days; if it is not possible to go to the branch, you can call the customer service hotline and ask the customer service staff to assist in the change. If you want to apply for change of information overseas, you can forward the application documents to the overseas branch. Any subsequent changes will be announced separately.
If you hold any Taishin Bank credit card or any Taishin Bank credit product, after we receive customers’ new UI No. sent from the Joint Credit Information Center, and we will contact with you via the paper, SMS, email, push notifications of digital devices, auto voice messages, and official account messages (such as LINE, Facebook, and WeChat etc.), you could directly call the 24-hour customer service hotline (02)2655-3355 for the service of our customer service staff to assist you update the personal information.
- If you do not complete the change of information within 30 days,the Bank will actively update the information on your behalf. After the finish of the change of the UI No.,
please be mindful of the following contents,(1)If you hold Taishin Bank specific products, such as the internet/mobile banking (the membership with transaction authority), the phone banking service, the debit card, the withdrawal foreign currency service from foreign currency account via ATM card, and time deposit (certificate deposit) with single seal, you can call the customer service hotline and ask the customer service staff to assist in the change. You can also bring your newest residence certificate and the original seal to any nearby branch to apply for the update of your UI No.
(2)If you have applied for the services such as electronic bill or cell phone bill of the credit card and the internet/mobile banking (the membership with inquirement authority), please reapplied for the services as bellow on the internet banking.(3)If your account or credit card or credit card is authorized for expense deduction or credit (for example insurance premium, settlement money, salary, securities settlement account, withholding utilities payments by credit card, auto-withholding credit card payment by other bank and roadside assistance), please contact the agencies, including the insurance companies, the securities companies, the taxation administrations, the employers and the road rescue company, to make sure whether changing your personal information or not, in case it affects the procedure of the automatic bill payment , the deposit of the salary or other rights.
- In the income tax filing period, if you have set Taishin Bank account as your deduction/refund account or pay the tax with Taishin Bank credit card, please make sure the UI No. of the individual income tax filing is consistent with that kept in Taishin Bank in order to protect your rights.
You could directly call the 24-hour customer service hotline (02)2655-3355 for the service of our customer service staff to assist you update the personal information.
Best Regards,
Taishin Bank